overland-underwater.com - A charity drive from the UK to New Zealand
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Pyramids - It is through deeds such as these that men go up to the gods or that gods come down to men
Temples of Karnak - Wander around a forest of stone papyrus, possibly one of the most overwhelming monuments of the Pharaonic legacy
Luxor - One of the world's greatest open air museums, a time capsule of a glorious, long gone era
Abu Simbel - Carved out of a mountainside and the single most photogenic of all Egypt's monuments
New Sebua - A collection of temples rescued from the rising waters of Lake Nasser
Island of Philae - One of the most romantic of Egypt's temples where you can imagine the priests still in situ
Temple of Horus - A fascinating collection of intricate bas-reliefs makes this a highlite of the drive between Luxor and Aswan
Marsa Alam - Red Sea diving at it's best, from coral dives right from the shore to the famous Elphine Stone Reef rising from the depths
CARE - Our visit to the Water Management and Sanitation community projects run by CARE along the Nile
Red Sea - The Northern Red Sea around Sharm El-Sheik is rich in coral and marine life, a favourite destination amongst divers
Neweiba - Our least favourite port of entry/exit

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